MILE MARKER 1You need running shoes to run a marathon. You need a good idea to write a novel.
MILE MARKER 2A training plan is essential to run a marathon. A plot outline is your novel training plan.
MILE MARKER 3A running coach helps you run the miles. A writing coach helps you write the words.
MILE MARKER 4In a marathon, you need aid stations. When writing a book, a retreat is your aid station.
MILE MARKER 5In a race, crossing the finish line is a win. Celebrate every submission you send out.
I understand how it feels to put your writing on the back burner. I spent 10 years neglecting my writing. Nobody should have to experience a decade-long writer's block. Like you, I was frustrated by not having enough support. I felt uninspired and unfulfilled. I was a little lackluster, to say the least.
But when I started running, my writing took off! I realized that the stages of running a marathon are the exact same steps for writing a novel. I became an unstoppable author. As a runner, these steps make it so much easier to understand how to write a novel. I've critiqued hundreds of manuscripts and helped hundreds of writers get unstuck - because writing makes more sense when you're a writer who runs and you view the writing process through the lens of running a marathon. I can help you too! |
I've helped hundreds of writers just like you learn to write their novel in a way that makes sense. I can help you become the author you've always dreamed of.
It's time to finally finish your novel, revise it, and start submitting it for publication. |